Kevin Fox

Jan 16 at 05:17 PM


Jan 16 at 05:17 PM


Jan 16 at 05:16 PM


Jan 16 at 05:16 PM


Jan 16 at 05:08 PM

JD Brewer part 2

Talking with some folks. The .035 wire just might not be able to have enough current in the wire. 1/8”-3/16” with a fillet weld break test and I just fold the metal over . But with cut and etchs I still had lack of fusion at the root with a 2F. The same for a break test and cut and etch with 3/8” plate.

Now intresting though after the root pass, if I did a mulit pass 2F. I could get 100% fusion. I think maybe that since the weld is not a 100% sharp 90 degree plate and it is weld metal. It can bite into it better and fuse.

The first time I used .045 wire in a 2F I got 100% root fusion with some cut and etches. But there are still times where I dont. And I trying to see what else I can do. Now I have only been using 3/8” but I going to get some 1/4”-3/8” thick metal with no rolled edge for my next round of testing. I just been to busy to get around to it .

Jan 16 at 05:00 PM

Part 1 so I had to talk to a welding engineer about it dude. He said that he thought that the slag was rolling foward. That might make some sense as the properties of the puddle are fast freeze for the out position welding with dual sheild.

Now what I did might have made a difference but I dont know. But I ran an aggressive drag angle almost like it was self sheild flux core. I was at like a 10-15 degree angle ish. And I was moving fast stay right on the leading eadge, I was trying to keep seeing just a blue arc with no orange it . Now you can watch an old esab video from 7 years ago where they talk about not doing it that way . Because it would get lack of fusion in the root on a 2F. So I am not sure.

My test where on 3/8 plate, .045 ,27V 350-400 WFS, 45 CFH 75/25 gas, and Lincoln 71M.

Now you might get more penetration in the root with 100co2 but I am not sure.

And after multiple testing, I just dont think you can get a .035 wire to not have some lack of fusion in a 2F root

Dec 29 at 11:29 AM

My dude, those cuts looked good. 🤣 you are out here talking about getting beat up in the comments, then you start doing some doing some Sorcery cutting like 5” up in the air freehanding it !!! RAD STUFF DUDE!!!

Dec 19 at 06:49 PM

Jorge LLamas you should be good with a 3G and 5G dude. This stuff was made for overhead and vertical up. And the 5G is not to long in the flat. I have only seen issues really with 2F with .035 wire . Stay on the leading edge and the wire will do its thing. With that though, I just x ray some coupons that are bad. 1G with a backing plate. They had slag at the root. Which is a bummer. I never enjoyed failing someones weld, especially when somone is trying to get a job.

Good luck dude , and thanks on the postive vibes .

Dec 19 at 06:30 PM


Dec 19 at 06:28 PM
