Discouraged no way , Definitely gotta play with this sil bronze. We get what we put in, on this one we cut the part and slapped it together. It's all good. 👍
Jorge LLamas
Replied on Ok , to be honest after laying out th...
Dec 13 at 03:03 PM
Replied on Ok , to be honest after laying out th...
Dec 13 at 02:59 PM
Yeah sure is. Definitely put some information in the pocket with this one.
Dec 12 at 10:47 PM

Ok , to be honest after laying out the cardboard cad, I I thought this was gonna look sharp, then I started matching up the and and cutting things out, next thing I knew I was squeezing and tacking, beating and welding. lol , it really was a fun ,easy and affordable project to create . Learned a bit about fit up, chill blocks (used a 3x3 aluminum angle to weld all panels) filled gaps with silicone bronze., and best of all its was done with my daughter, she actually engineered the whole thing, gave me a sketch and we work together to build it.
1) silicone bronze don’t work on dirty steel right?
2) what the quickest way to clean off the old peel on stainless steel, you know the protective cover.
3) does the sili bronze filller flow like mud, or was I completely doing it wrong
Happy holidays
Brad Goodman Matt Hayden Shaun Graham
Replied on Brad Goodman Matt Hayden you guys eve...
Dec 12 at 10:28 PM
Hi Shaun, the slip roller was used to bend four 1/8 rods kinda semetrical, I wanted to make a cylinder for the tree insert, but decided to just use a piece of pipe. I posted the end result, but it seems like it did not post. I try to post shortly. Thank for the feed back, for future reference I want learn how to lay out exact cone shapes, and circles for burner refractory pours .( concrete forms)
I hope to stay in contact with you later.
Dec 11 at 05:31 PM

Brad Goodman Matt Hayden you guys ever fabricated with a slip roller, if so can you share your experience.
Allso, working plate and sheet metal is so different, especially with out a sheer, if you wanted to cut multiple small shapes with accuracy, what method would you recommend.
I'm trying to make a hoilday tree topper star out of 18 Guage, and 6 " cut off wheel. Let just say I taught my daughter the Importance of making the part match the template.
Anyhow I hope I get to post it.
Happy holidays
Replied on Just got my stickers last night , rea...
Dec 04 at 11:36 PM
Ask Joey Joey Collier
Commented on New to welding and the helmut I bough...
Nov 11 at 11:24 PM
Look for something lightweight , easy to find replacement clear lens, and dual use for grinding and welding.
I’d recommend the huntman 490p, for about 80 bucks, you probably already got your heart set for a fancy shiny hood. So stick to light weight.
Good luck.
Nov 11 at 09:38 PM

Drilling through these Stainless Steel fittings was a breeze with this drill press. 5/16 drill thru 1/4 stainless steel compression fittings.
Oct 24 at 12:16 AM

Fun little project, piping for Instrumentation air measurements. 8 pipe , 150 lb mating flange welded with 316/316L -16 1/8 rod smaw . 110 amps DC + 3 pass. Never really ran stainless stick, but I always heard the the slag has a tendency to pop off at you, the funny thing is the slag keeps popping even after you clean the weld, kind like jumping beans. Was able to find a small box rod on the store shelf for about 115 bucks.
Commented on Shaun Graham - Cone Layout
Dec 28 at 09:35 AM
Thanks for the video, I got a chance to see it on the 26th, but haven't had a chance to comment, looks like I'm gonna have buy some steel , paper and give it a go.