Prizes for contest #1 should go out in the next day or so! Thanks again for all who participated. Next we're thinking we'll do a stainless Tee joint. More info on that coming soon!

Here is my settings I forgot to add tungsten and cup size. 1/8 2% lanthanated with a #8 gas lens 24cfm 1/8 4043 filler and I’m not sure on the aluminum I ordered it from Brad because I don’t keep a lot of aluminum at my shop because I don’t weld it a lot. I used a pedal as well. 170 was the top of my range.
Nathan Leiter (NMT Welding and Industrial Maintenance llc)
The bead challenge contest is over and we have winners!
1st - Jeff Loffert 🥇
2nd - Mike Murphy 🥈
3rd - Kenneth Lawrence 🥉
4th - Everyone else who entered, we're sending you something too!
Email me with your name and address info so we can reward everybody who participated.
To recap, prizes are:
1st: Goodman Metal Products Kit, 1 on 1 call with Jody, Brad, JD, Sam, or Aren, TIG Finger Bundle, Gloves, and hat
2nd: Gloves, TIG finger Bundle, and Hat
3rd: TIG Finger Bundle
Everybody else who entered will get something nice too as a thank you and a early Christmas gift.
We're cooking up the next challenge as I type this, so look forward to that! We'll be highlighting the winners on socials likely starting tomorrow.
We're trying something new! WelderSkills Bead on Aluminum Plate Contest! Watch the video and read the description to see how to enter.
Post your submissions here in the contests area to get your bead in the running. We'll keep the contest open through November 24th!!!
Video is unavailable

This was fun. Can’t wait to see what the next one is.

It looks like I got the balance setting reversed. Mike Murphy