Kenneth Lawrence

22 Mar 15:19

I could not figure out why in the would my final welds would do that. Swapped cup sizes and tried different angles and everything g else I could think of. Thank you so much for showing that trick at the end, just solved a very frustrating problem for me!!

Gonna hate to see this platform go away. I’ve learned so much on here.

20 Mar 17:12

It’s great to see his optimism and hear that things with his health are looking up despite the long journey ahead. Praying for you guys.

He’s made a huge impact on my career as well as the other instructors that he has brought into the fold. I hope you guys are able to find I way to keep his legacy going. This platform is immensely helpful.


Joey Collier

When will they announce the winners of the contest? Can’t wait for the next one btw. These or fun things that will give me something to work towards! Thanks!


23 Nov 19:27

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This was fun. Can’t wait to see what the next one is.


04 Oct 06:05

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Custom frame for an AC unit. First job done for my new LLC. Prime weld 225 performed flawless.