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Hey everybody, I have a rather unfortunate announcement to make. We're gonna be closing WelderSkills in late July. Many of you have likely noticed that things have slowed down a bit around here lately. That's largely because my Dad (Jody) is currently in the hospital receiving treatment for a rather serious diagnosis. He has a long, hard road ahead, and his treatment will require 100% of his focus for the foreseeable future. Closure is certainly not what we'd like to do, but without my Dad's contributions (both on camera and behind the scenes) WelderSkills just won't be getting the attention it deserves, and won't be able to earn your membership fee every month with new content. WelderSkills is a product whose quality we are committed to maintaining. If it's beyond our ability to meet that quality standard, then we don't feel right in offering it to you all. For those of you who have signed up with an annual membership after July of 2024, I realize you won't be able to get your full year of access. For that reason, I'll begin processing prorated refunds very soon for members who won't be getting their full year (For instance, if you signed up last October, you'll receive a refund for 3 months of service). If you signed up for an annual subscription using the App Store or Google Play, send me an email to get your refund because that process works a little differently ( a thank you for signing up with us, our full course library (Intro to TIG, MIG, Stick and mini courses) will be made available to download until we close the service for all active members. Aside from that, the WelderSkills service will maintain all functionality until we go offline. Thank you all so much for giving this thing a shot. I had a great time working on it, and please believe me that this announcement absolutely sucks to make. It's truly been an honor and something I'm really proud of building with my Dad, all of our awesome instructors, and each of you. -JoeyFeel free to comment here or email me with any questions at joey@welderskills.comI'll continue to post updates as I have them!EDIT: moved to new channel 'WelderSkillsClosure' where I'll discuss all details related to that! Here's the dedicated channel for questions to make sure we don't miss anyone! Leave your questions here. If you'd like to ask a specific instructor, use the '@' feature. For example, type '@jody collier' followed by your question. That will notify the instructor directly. The attached image shows what it looks like if you were to tag jody.--This feature also works on videos! So if you have a question about a specific video, be sure to tag the instructor in the comments of that video.--We will be sure to check this thread for general questions as well! Thanks to Aaron Laughlin for prompting this new thread. 
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  in  😟 welderskillsclosure
March 21

!If you signed up for an annual or monthly WelderSkills subscription from our iOS app, please read below!

As we approach our closure date in late July, I'm working to make sure that:

1. annual users who aren't able to get a full year of WelderSkills are provided with prorated refunds. 

2. iOS users aren't auto renewed when the site closes

Apple puts some extra hurdles in the process of doing that, so let me explain those really quick!

First, to cancel your current WelderSkills annual or monthly plan:

  • On your device open settings

  • Click on your name/profile at the top

  • Then subscriptions

  • Find WelderSkills from your subscriptions list  

  • Click cancel

  • This will make sure that you aren't auto renewed when we close the site!

If you signed up for the annual plan after July of 2024 you are eligible for a prorated refund!

To apply for a refund, follow the instructions here:

Let them know in the details that the WelderSkills service is ending in late July, before the end of your subscription period, so you'd like a refund for the remaining time that you won't be able to use.

If they deny your request, shoot me an email - or fill out the contact form and we'll take it from there!

Quick version:

Make sure you cancel your WelderSkills subscription from your iOS device since I can't do it on your behalf. Follow the link above if you'd like to request a refund and email with any questions!

Thanks everybody

  in  😟 welderskillsclosure
March 20

For anyone who wants an update on Dad's health, he made an announcement via YouTube today.

  in  😟 welderskillsclosure
March 06
• Edited (Mar 10, 2025)

Hey everybody, I have a rather unfortunate announcement to make.

We're gonna be closing WelderSkills in late July. Many of you have likely noticed that things have slowed down a bit around here lately. That's largely because my Dad (Jody) is currently in the hospital receiving treatment for a rather serious diagnosis. He has a long, hard road ahead, and his treatment will require 100% of his focus for the foreseeable future.

Closure is certainly not what we'd like to do, but without my Dad's contributions (both on camera and behind the scenes) WelderSkills just won't be getting the attention it deserves, and won't be able to earn your membership fee every month with new content. WelderSkills is a product whose quality we are committed to maintaining. If it's beyond our ability to meet that quality standard, then we don't feel right in offering it to you all.

For those of you who have signed up with an annual membership after July of 2024, I realize you won't be able to get your full year of access. For that reason, I'll begin processing prorated refunds very soon for members who won't be getting their full year (For instance, if you signed up last October, you'll receive a refund for 3 months of service). If you signed up for an annual subscription using the App Store or Google Play, send me an email to get your refund because that process works a little differently (

As a thank you for signing up with us, our full course library (Intro to TIG, MIG, Stick and mini courses) will be made available to download until we close the service for all active members. Aside from that, the WelderSkills service will maintain all functionality until we go offline.

Thank you all so much for giving this thing a shot. I had a great time working on it, and please believe me that this announcement absolutely sucks to make. It's truly been an honor and something I'm really proud of building with my Dad, all of our awesome instructors, and each of you.


Feel free to comment here or email me with any questions at

I'll continue to post updates as I have them!

EDIT: moved to new channel 'WelderSkillsClosure' where I'll discuss all details related to that!

  in  🗣️ general
February 07

Putting a new floor in and lifting the axles on a stock trailer. Really glad it was one of my coworkers and not me that washed it out before it got brought in here lol

  in  ❓ questions
January 17
• Edited (Jan 22, 2025)
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Edit. I thought that I'd posted this in the questions but ended up in General. So I thought I'd tag Matt Hayden in case he doesn't see it here. 

Not real crazy about what I saw when cut and etched some sample 2F welds with the dual shield at 25V/250 IPM 35 CFH C25. They look OK on the surface, but about zero root fusion, and pretty shallow penetration. The etch wasn't great and didn't photo well. The 1/4" material was spotless clean and square; no rounded over sheared rolled edges. It was belt sanded square. Maybe I was traveling a little too fast? The throat is definitely under 1/4". Thoughts anyone?

Photo 1 cross section is pull beads top left/bottom right, and pull top right/bottom left. Photo 2 is pull, and Photo 3 is push.

Edit to add: Not sure what the hell is going on. Ran two more beads. Photo 4 is 25/250 and photo 5 is the Auto Set suggested 22.9/265. Slower travel speed to build up a bigger bead, which it did, but as you can see in the last photo, the root fusion in both is terrible. Squashed it in the 40T press and it held up OK, but I would hope so, welded on both sides.

  in  ❓ questions
March 17

on the site welding tips and, Jody had some charts for mig wire speed, can i get a copy of the chart so i can print? I could not find it on he other site

  in  😟 welderskillsclosure
March 10
• Edited (Mar 12, 2025)

Hey everybody, this channel is where I'll continue to provide updates and answer questions as we move closer to our site closure. Feel free to post in here with any questions about that. 

As of now, I've started work on refunds/cancellations.

Some of you will see automated emails stating that your account has been cancelled. This is to prevent you from getting billed prior to the site closing down. 

Just to be clear - you'll still have full access for your subscription period. I just don't want anyone getting hit with an annual auto renewal days or weeks prior to us shutting down. 

If you'd still like to have access at the end of your annual subscription (but BEFORE site closure), email and I can help you with that!

  in  🛠️ projects
February 17
• Edited (Mar 20, 2025)
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In the process of adding a motor drive to a rotary positioner kit, that was originally designed to be driven my a cordless drill motor. I bought the positioner kit knowing this, and never intended to use the drill motor, as that seemed pretty useless. Welded an adapter plate to one of the shoulder bolt axles, so it all moves as one unit, and happy with how it works. The combo of the 100 RPM 12VDC gearmotor, and the 40:1 gear reduction in the positioner, makes for a turntable that rotates at 0-2.5 RPM. Next is to make an enclosure for the motor, and a control box that will have the speed/direction control board and the battery( this will be powered with a Milwaukee M12 tool battery ). A foot switch will start/stop the table.

Before sinking too much effort, decided to run a test bead in DC and AC to make sure the HF start and/or AC freq didn't screw with the electronic speed control and motor. Didn't miss a beat, so will proceed with the remainder of the project. First beads ever using a positioner. 

Edit. Thought I'd add a rundown of the major parts I used to motorize this Weltables rotary positioner. My subscription here expires in a few days, and not sure if I'll be renewing. Some work came in, so I won't have time to finish this project until next week. 


PWM Speed Control-

I got the flex coupler, 12V battery adapter, and foot pedal on Amazon, and should be simple enough to find in a search. I had to turn the hex end of the positioners shaft on a lathe. You could also simply adapt a socket to the motor shaft.

Edit to add: Another follow up, with a few photos of the final assembly of the motor housing and battery holder. Positioner works great and has plenty of torque. Set a 60 pound chunk of 1045 bar on the plate, and it rotates it smoothly at any speed. Very happy with it.

  in  🛠️ projects
October 17, 2023

Let's see your projects! Start a post describing what you're working on and show some pics and videos! Let's help each other out with that build, repair,  or modification.  Credit to WelderSkills member Michael Kearsey for the idea!

  in  🛠️ projects
February 14
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Yesterday's project was welding up today's V-day gift for The Woman.