Paul Charron

Cincinnati, OH, United States

Mar 06 at 05:36 PM

You have our FULL and unmitigated support. God bless!


Jan 01 at 07:50 AM

Thanks Aren. Peening would be ideal for a part like this that gets a lot of action in one spot. I had all but forgotten about it! These cast aluminum repairs are very infrequent for my business. I appreciate the tips you gave!


Dec 30 at 10:15 PM

Jeff Loffert Roger that. Will do

Dec 29 at 05:21 PM

That’s a big help. Apparently there are more of these coming to me and they all broke in pretty much the same spot. So it looks like I’ll get some practice at this. I appreciate the help!


Dec 29 at 01:13 PM

Thanks bud



Dec 29 at 12:15 PM

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This was brought to me by a locksmith. First time with an cast aluminum repair. Should I use high amps and move quickly, or lower amps and progress at a normal travel speed? What settings would be generally recommended for such a small part made of cast aluminum? Also, I am using CK Lazer green tungsten with my Primeweld 325x. Any help would be highly appreciated!


Dec 29 at 12:07 PM

Thanks for the tip!


Dec 29 at 11:29 AM

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This was brought to me by a locksmith. First time with a cast aluminum repair. Should I use High amps and move quickly or lower amps and progress at normal speed? What settings would be generally recommended for such a small part made of cast aluminum? Also Using CK Lazer green tungsten with my Primeweld 325x…. Any help would be highly appreciated!


Aug 07 at 04:24 PM

I seem to recall that Jody has some good vids on using 7018 in 3G position. His ones on MIG vertical uphill got me lined out and well prepared for a weld test.

Jul 09 at 09:56 PM

You’ve come to the right place. There’s a great deal of material to learn here from veteran pros!
