Paul Charron

Cincinnati, OH, United States

May 01 at 07:40 PM


Apr 26 at 02:11 PM

Hey Jody. Good video. Those 3/32 7018 rods have gotten me out of a pinch many times. I can remember having to settle for the only other electrodes in my bucket besides those 3/32 7018’s and regretted having forgetten to bring them along!

Apr 25 at 08:02 AM

Looking forward!

I really appreciated this Information about owning a welding business. Starting out can be tough and I am learning from my mistakes and trying to avoid making new ones. I agree about the undercharging. So many times I cave in to a heavily discounted rate because I know the people and times are hard. But I think folks respect you a whole lot more when you don’t give your time and work away for next to free. Thanks for time well spent guys! That one hour probably will save me some future heartburn over pricing. The COGS idea is brilliant!


Wow, this is a really good resource for aluminum welding. Thanks!


Apr 02 at 09:33 AM

I am doing the same! Just bought the same model for fabricating aluminum awnings. Can’t wait to get started this week with it!!

Mar 28 at 06:17 PM

I am finding that is true! Just got into aluminum after avoiding it for too long.

Mar 25 at 02:37 PM

Is the method of introducing the filler rod more of a light, rapid tapping action or are you submerging the filler rod completely down into the weld pool and pausing for it to melt? It’s hard to discern how that comes together. Just starting out with TIG.

Mar 14 at 10:33 PM

Good stuff !