Jeff Loffert

Oct 21 at 05:39 PM

Great idea for punches, pencils, etc....Will add to the "to do" list! A magnet glued in the bottom might be handy so it stays put. Mine damn sure won't look that good, but I'll try. :)

Oct 19 at 07:18 PM

Sounds like fun! Just getting used to a new HTP Invertig 251, and this will be a great way to get in some practice time with it. 

Oct 17 at 11:47 PM

Brad GoodmanAppreciate that info Brad, thanks!

Oct 17 at 07:02 PM

Brad GoodmanGreat to hear that! Been giving the SideKick 10 a hard look. After we move down to the Lower 48 next summer( N Carolina ) and get settled, that'll be one of the first additions to the shop. Curious if you had it to do over again, would you still go with a water table, or would you choose downdraft instead?

Oct 17 at 12:42 PM

Great episode! The tip at about the 11:00 mark is gold. And Eric's comment just after 16:00 was hilarious!

Oct 17 at 11:26 AM

How are you liking the Shop Sabre table Brad?

Commented on Pulse MIG

Oct 14 at 11:17 AM

Nice. I'd really like to try pulse MIG now that I have a machine that can do it. But the 90/10 gas is spendy here for a small time home shop. The local vendors only offer it as a rental of 300cf bottles, or purchase a 200 at $$$$$. In the mean time, just started using dual shield, and very happy with it so far.

Nice work! Those steel sawhorses look really handy.

Oct 06 at 09:24 PM

Thanks Jody! So far liking the functionality of it( and the MM 255 as well ). Last piece of the puzzle is a dual bottle rack I scored on eBay. Coming via slow boat, but shipping was free, so I'm not going to bitch about that! 

Good talk guys. Some nuggets of info even for a small time "Home Shop Harry" like myself. Especially appreciated Aren's comments on shipping costs. A never ending battle for Alaskans. USPS Flat Rate is a life saver, when you can find vendors willing to use them.( or convince others to do so. ) If not on a time crunch one of the various freight forwarders are a great option. You can normally take advantage of "free shipping" offers to get your stuff as far as Seattle/Tacoma, and then pay the forwarder from there. Have saved thousands that way over the years.
