Ok , to be honest after laying out the cardboard cad, I I thought this was gonna look sharp, then I started matching up the and and cutting things out, next thing I knew I was squeezing and tacking, beating and welding. lol , it really was a fun ,easy and affordable project to create . Learned a bit about fit up, chill blocks (used a 3x3 aluminum angle to weld all panels) filled gaps with silicone bronze., and best of all its was done with my daughter, she actually engineered the whole thing, gave me a sketch and we work together to build it.
1) silicone bronze don’t work on dirty steel right?
2) what the quickest way to clean off the old peel on stainless steel, you know the protective cover.
3) does the sili bronze filller flow like mud, or was I completely doing it wrong
Happy holidays
Brad Goodman Matt Hayden Shaun Graham

December 12, 2024