Travis Koehn

Interesting stuff. I’ve read some of this in Metals And How To Weld Them, but the way you explained was a lil easier for this dummy to understand. Thanks.

Mar 23 at 12:08 AM

Some of that is common sense, I think. He said in the previous video that he was going to use an 1/8” bit. And if the metals thick enough to groove, go ahead and groove it.

Sure glad these calls are a thing. I always enjoy them. Lotta times I don’t have time in the evenings to get in on the whole thing, so I’m glad these recordings get posted as well. And nobody minds a little story that’s off topic either lol. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for your sacrifices lol both of these videos are down right uncomfortable to watch. The puddle was a wreck. I’ve never tried using stick on aluminum, but I know a guy that did. Pretty similar experience for him.

Jan 05 at 11:41 PM

Hi. That sounds pretty interesting! Your English is pretty good too 💯😂

Nov 02 at 07:04 PM

I didn’t, but I don’t know for sure if my notifications are on.


Nov 01 at 10:37 PM

That seems like it would be a trick to manage a temperature window that size.