JD Brewer

Feb 19 at 06:04 PM

That's a solid repair, nice work Sam


Feb 16 at 09:35 AM

MICHAEL KEARSEY this is all very interesting. Thanks for sharing all this info!

Feb 16 at 09:31 AM

MICHAEL KEARSEY that's good info right there. I might have to try it out.

Feb 15 at 07:17 PM

Thank you!

Feb 15 at 07:17 PM

Jorge LLamas that's what I said when I saw it. There's no way I could pass it up. It looks so cool with that apex cast into the base. Tha KS for watching!

Feb 15 at 07:16 PM

MICHAEL KEARSEY I wouldn't have thought to repair that fence post like that. I think that's a pretty good idea compared to chasing holes with mig or something. Thanks for sharing all these pictures!!

Feb 15 at 07:14 PM

MICHAEL KEARSEY I'm glad I asked. These are really good repairs to tough material to fix. Nice job on the door. Rusted sheet metal like that is the most aggravating to weld on.

Feb 15 at 07:11 PM

MICHAEL KEARSEY 309 is normally a good go to. I can see why it could be chosen if you didn't have silbro around. Nice save on the vise!

Feb 15 at 08:40 AM

MICHAEL KEARSEY that's a great idea! I have a table like that but didn't want to weld them for the same reason. Never thought of filling them with silbro.

Feb 14 at 09:49 PM

Do you think it'd would be helpful to "polish" or sand with a finer grit on the cast iron before welding. Or would that be a waste of time?