Lloyd Scharf

When cutting steel with a plasma, O2 is supposed to do better but eats up consumables, your thoughts on raising the % of O2 in shop air from 21% up to something like 25 to 30 % like is done with scuba tank air? Would the Extra wear of the consumables be tolerated?   

Jul 09 at 07:29 PM

I was watching a video on the repair of a large equipment part. they said they were plasma cutting using "Soft Air" can you explain? LL&P

Jun 13 at 09:29 AM

Does a larger Tungsten help with contamination if I touch the molten weld pool? LL&P  

Jan 19 at 05:13 PM

I've realy enjoyed your videos in the past and have picked up on many things that I either didn't know or didn't quite understand. it's refresing when seaing something from a diferent point of view and it sudenly makes cence. IDIC LL&P    (it would be great if you would bring back the yearly "Tips&Tricks" DVDs) 

Jan 19 at 02:19 PM

I am computer dense, and tried to watch your podcast in real time ,but kept getting the message that it was "unavailable" did anyone else hav this problem?

Jan 19 at 02:14 PM

in the early 2000 I purchased a Millermatic 250 as an upgrade to my Miller 135 Mig Using the same settings (.024 steel wire, Beverage grade CO2) the 250 would explode the wire and destroy the electrode tip by pluging it. the local Miller Dealer said .035 wire should be used and exchanged my spool. it seamed to clear the problem at that time, but over the years it would still accasionly act up. Years later at a Miller demo I told a Miller Rep what had happened. He looked Left and right then told me "we fixed that on later 250s"   


Jan 14 at 11:18 AM

SamIt seams to me that CxxxD-XIX is too convient an excuse used to justify shaudy manufacturing, and use of substandard(cheep) parts so someone can make a couple extra bucks. Even extended warintys have so much fine print that the consumer is seldem protected, or the consumer's cost to get satifaction makes it impractical. also the redefining of terms, and use of deceptive termanoligy (" up too " means one is enough so dont expect the hundreds they want you to believe they promised). Have you ever had a new electric moter rated at a adiquate HP that won't even get out of it's own way?  LL&P         

Commented on Whatcha Wanna See?

Jan 14 at 10:50 AM

I'd like to see some instructions/theory of plasma cutting and the gas used tanks LL&P 

Jan 12 at 01:23 PM

I was in the (Big Box) store when this gentleman was trying to get some satisfaction for a hydraulic wood splitter that he had reciently bought. He couldent ge a fitting to stop leaking. seams this (made in China) brand used a special Non-USA standard thread fitting. The store was telling him that because the splitter had had oil added the store couldn't/wouldn't take it back. the store could order a new fitting from the manufactor but the arival time was well beyound this year and into the next year's   cutting season. How are you supossed to know of a problem if you don't have it setup to run? And even a "Made in The USA" is no guarentee that over sees parts arn't being used.         

Replied on Angle Grinders

Jan 03 at 01:09 PM

Don't want to say I like it, But the only one I could find that seamed affordable was a Harbor Freight sander/Buffer. It's a 7"  stile with a 5/8x11 . It's not going to last forever,but seams cheep enough that it should be replaceable when the time comes. I realy enjoyed hearing you say on "Welding Tips & Tricks" when making that (gravity Hold down) that it was a good use for a harbor freight screwdriver, or how you were allways being asked to modify a tool/wrench/socket for a specific job/applacation. Keep up the good work LL&P IDIC.