Lloyd Scharf

Replied on Angle Grinders

Jan 03 at 01:09 PM

Don't want to say I like it, But the only one I could find that seamed affordable was a Harbor Freight sander/Buffer. It's a 7"  stile with a 5/8x11 . It's not going to last forever,but seams cheep enough that it should be replaceable when the time comes. I realy enjoyed hearing you say on "Welding Tips & Tricks" when making that (gravity Hold down) that it was a good use for a harbor freight screwdriver, or how you were allways being asked to modify a tool/wrench/socket for a specific job/applacation. Keep up the good work LL&P IDIC.   

Commented on Angle Grinders

Jan 02 at 10:01 PM

I found that running a whire cup wheek on a varable speed angle grinder works extreamly well. LL&P