Chris Murphy

17 Mar 19:49

jody, at your site welding tips and tricks you showed a chart for mig wire speed and how to check your machine for speed, then adjust volts. Can i get a copy of that chart, i would like to print and keep in the shop but i cannot find it on the other site


17 Mar 19:45

on the site welding tips and, Jody had some charts for mig wire speed, can i get a copy of the chart so i can print? I could not find it on he other site


04 Jan 10:43

what are good settings for 3/16 hot rolled steel? i am using a multi voltage 200 amp everlast imig. the settings seem to be way off from what i am seeing on videos. The setting chart for this machine is 19.2 volts and 336 wire speed.

03 Jan 21:37

Trying to teach myself better short circuit mig technics to get the more rippeld effet. I was just going by the though of burn hot with lots of wire.  But want to have better end results with less grinding and good penetration

03 Jan 21:33

Does the weldmonger store sell nital etch? not sure what to buy as there seem to be so many types

03 Jan 21:32

should you always clean the mill scale in the weld area?

What are you considering a short stick out ? 1/4 inch-1/2 inch-5/8 inch?