Commented on Welding some 1/4” endplates on some s...
Oct 16 at 05:48 PM
Those welds look great! Is it possible to weld 1/4 plate with a Primeweld 225? Also, can 3/32" tungsten handle the job? I just tried it about a half hour ago and didn't have much luck.
Replied on Hi all. I'm Rick. I've been welding ...
Oct 02 at 07:50 AM
Primeweld 225X. I'm 100% happy with it so far, no complaints.
Commented on Welding some 1/4” endplates on some s...
Oct 16 at 05:48 PM
Those welds look great! Is it possible to weld 1/4 plate with a Primeweld 225? Also, can 3/32" tungsten handle the job? I just tried it about a half hour ago and didn't have much luck.