Dec 29 at 07:48 PM

I guess there is always an exception. I have heard so many tales of new hires running 7018 downhill on structural steel that I guess I am always on guard and against it in general.

Dec 28 at 02:04 PM

Really enjoyed hanging out with you Matt Hayden,  I will try to get some video when Lee builds the first fire in this rig.


Dec 21 at 06:52 AM

Thanks Martin

Dec 21 at 06:52 AM

Thanks, merry Christmas to you too

Commented on Inductance

Nov 01 at 12:17 PM

I’ll work on a video explaining it soon.

But As it applies to short circuit mig , inductance has to do with the time the wire is short circuited in the puddle before arcing. And that affects the stiffness of the arc. Higher inductance settings wet out more and lower settings are more stiff.  Hope that helps