Martin Rubenstein

Dec 02 at 05:18 AM


Dec 02 at 05:13 AM

Very smart! And what an excellent demonstration of just how strong the contraction forces can be after welding.

Nov 22 at 06:41 PM

I watched the BakerGas video on the Esab Volt. They say the batteries are also on 3 year warranty, but I wonder exactly what that covers….surely not “fair wear and tear”. But the video did look very impressive; for example, it has settings for cellulosic rods. Why not contact Esab and explain about all the WelderSkills videos you post and say you want to borrow a Volt to give it a decent test in the field for a few weeks, putting it through its paces and making a some videos of it in action. You can tell them there’s already interest in it from your Zoom call.

Another thing: you said you have a lot of thick copper cable. I hope you have it locked away when not in use on site. We have big problems with thieves stealing electric cable from the railway and tram networks. It’s a pity they don’t electrocute themselves, but with copper being so expensive, you can see why the network suffers.

Nov 22 at 06:40 PM

But I’m glad you’ve got a puppy to sweeten life. Reminds me of what Lester says in The Wire, “Life, Jimmy, you know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come.”

I was thinking about that Esab battery-powered welder. I think it warrants careful consideration: I’m not a fan of battery-powered kit, unless, perhaps, it’s used every day and can pay for itself. When battery-powered kit is infrequently used, I think the batteries suffer, especially if forgotten about and left discharged. And you’re locked into DeWalt batteries so they can charge you whatever they like, because your machine is useless without them, although you did say that it runs also off 110V and 240V, but you already have plenty of such kit. So you end up with kit that, instead of running 30 rods, can only manage 10, at best unless you pay a small fortune for a new set of batteries (or find someone to rebuild them).

Nov 22 at 06:37 PM

It was really good to see you back, but it was only pure luck that I found out. I went into the WelderSkills app the day before and noticed the short video notification. Otherwise, I would have missed it. In the early days, I’d get email notifications of forthcoming Zoom calls. I presume that also explains why there wasn’t a big attendance. I have general settings Notifications set to On for WelderSkills, but I never seem to get any, but I do get notifications for Jody’s site. I contacted Joey and asked if he can reinstate the email alerts. I notice there are Notification settings inside the app that are not included in the General Settings, so I’ve now turned them on, but an email alert would be good, too.

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a shit time recently, having your phone stolen is traumatic enough but maybe little compared to selling your house. You were making light of it but I could see you’ve had a really tough time.

Nov 22 at 02:56 PM


I caught this by pure chance: I happened to open the app and saw the entry. Thankfully, I saw it a day beforehand otherwise I would have missed it. I’ve set Notifications to On in my iPhone, but today I saw there are extra Notifications settings INSIDE the app. So I’ve turned them on. But a good while back, I used to get emails alerting me to forthcoming Zooms (and, I think, new videos as well), but since then I haven’t had any email alerts. I think I was the only one on JD’s Zoom; perhaps people weren’t aware it was on. So I’ve got a couple of suggestions: firstly, could you draw attention to the existence of the extra Notifications settings within the app that are in addition to any settings in the General device settings. Secondly, could you perhaps instigate email alerts on an opt-out basis, for upcoming Zoom calls as well as new video postings? Without those emails, I realise that I now rarely open the app and out of sight is out of mind. Thanks, Martin

Nov 04 at 02:45 PM

Look forwards to the video, Brad. In the meantime, can you tell us something about the hood you’re wearing? I presume it’s got special heat-resistant properties. Is it auto-darkening or passive smoked-glass? Those thick gloves must have taken a bit of getting used to, or did they? I guess all will be revealed in the video.

Nov 04 at 02:34 PM

Hi Joey,

The notification came as an email.   So tapping on Read Post, played the video the 10 second clip in my Brave browser on the iPhone and iPad.

The WelderSkills didn’t open automatically- I don’t know if that’s the plan - and I don’t see your post there.   But when I go into the Community, I first see the Lincoln welder “A look at the welding machines…… in Trinidad”, and that massive turbine below it